[2015.11.24] <16회> Step Stone 김무신대표가 말하는 윤리특강 "사모펀드 윤리, 아시아개발은행과 글로벌 사모펀드의 투자경험으로 말한다." --- 강연교안 첨부.

by 관리자 posted Nov 25, 2015


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
2015년 11월 24, 지속가능기업 윤리연구소는 Step Stone 김무신대표님을 모시고, '사모펀드 윤리, 아시아개발은행과 글로벌 사모펀드의 투자경험으로 말한다'를 주제로 윤리특강을 개최하였습니다.

이날 김무신 대표님은
지속가능성과, 윤리에 대한 이야기와 함께, 최근  관련규제가 개정이 되며, 국내에서의 관심도가 높아지고 있는 사모펀드와  윤리에 관련한 특강을 진행하여 주셨습니다.

열성적인 강의와, 강의교안을 직접 준비해주신 모습에 감사드립니다.

■  강사 소개


 Step Stone 김무신 대표님

M. Shin Kim, Partner, Hong Kong, PRC / Seoul, Korea

Mr. Kim is a member of the Asia team, and focuses on private market investments, such as primary funds, secondary transactions and co-investments and also business development in the region.

Prior to StepStone, Mr. Kim was Head of Private Equity at Asian Development Bank (ADB), where he was responsible for the team managing a private equity fund portfolio across the Asian emerging market. Prior to ADB, Mr. Kim worked at El Paso (Singapore) Corporation where he managed a number of M&A deals in the power and gas industries, primarily in Korea and Japan. Prior to that, he worked at a Korean conglomerate focused on global energy business development, with a particular focus on Kazakhstan and the Georgia Republic in 1990’s.

Mr. Kim graduated with a BBA from Sogang University in Korea and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College in the US.

■ 특강 주요내용

1. OpeningL Sustainability & Ethics

2. Private Equity Ecosystem

3. Agency Problem

3. Personal Choices

4. ADB Private Equity

 4-1. Risks/ GP commitment/ Management fee offset

5. Global Private Equity

 5.1. GP commitment/ Carried interest structure/ Sustainability

6. Conclusion: Every Choice Matters

■ 강연 모습

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■ [SBERI] 2015년 11월 윤리특강 강의자료


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